Ribeira da Cruz

Ribeira da Cruz
R’bera do Krus
Island: Santo Antão
Municipality: Porto Novo
Distance from the island capital: northwest of
Porto Novo

Ribeira da Cruz (in Cape Verdean Creole, written in ALUPEC: R’bera do Krus) is a village in the northwest of Santo Antão. Ribeira da Cruz It itself the main village in the parish of Santo André, in the municipality of Porto Novo. It has a population of 450 peoples approximately. Its a very poor village where the people live with less than one euro (nearly 100 escudos or one dollar) per day. The population survive because it has the help of a Danish non-governmental organisation ant this attenuate the suffering of population.


Nearest places


Geography and Information

The mountains dominate the southern part and the area are slopey and contains numerous ribeiras and valleys. Forests and groves dominate the village areas, dry grasslands with barren rocks and bushes covers the rest of the area as well as cattle areas. The valley of Alto Mira is a long valley stretching to the centre of the island and the Atlantic Ocean is to the north and slopey cliffs lies to the north.

Ribeira da Cruz is linked with a road linking with Porto Novo and the northeast of the island, it also serves a road to Tarrafal de Monte Trigo and the west of the island. The village is in the island's low class. Every house are built with mud-brick and stone. All of its population are farmers and are based in agriculture where banana plantations, pineapple and other crops are common. The farms are in the form of paddies and stone walls. However, a part of the needy materials comes from the island capital, the island capital and the diaspora. But for other needs, electricity, communications and appliances are partially available in the area as well as phone lines since the late-20th century. A part of the necessities also comes from the island capital.


Ribeira da cruz landscape is very diversified.

See also